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Properties of all sizes are welcome on Trip.com – at no cost!
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Big or small, individual or professional, we list widely diverse properties on Trip.com for free.
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Why properties find value in listing on Trip.com

Why Trip.com

The global travel market has witnessed significant growth in the past year, and it is expected to continue thriving in 2024. Trip.com Group experienced a remarkable 29% year-over-year increase in net revenue during Q1. We maintain a positive outlook on the market‘s performance in the coming quarters and are committed to collaborating closely with our partners to seize opportunities and contribute to the overall growth of the travel industry.

Feedback from properties

"Opportunities increase when you assist others succeed, and here at Four Seasons Hotel Sydney as a people driven organisation, a triumph for us is an aligned success for Trip.com. The relationship our hotel has established with Trip.com over the years has gone from strength to strength, even throughout unprecedented times.  Across the years, Trip.com has aligned with the hotel to learn, adapt, be agile and come out the other side of issues together and stronger than ever. One right alignment can have a positive impact on an organisation, and that is what Trip.com has done for our business. "

-Helen Radic

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Set up your listing, add appealing pictures, highlight key features, set pricing and dates
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Sign e-contract

We'll verify your property, and both parties will sign a secure e-contract
Market manager will contact you to check details and put you listing live on Trip.com

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A market manager will reach out to verify details and publish your listing


What requirements need to be met in order for a new property to go live on Trip.com?

1. The property must be a legally operated place to stay. You must hold all necessary registration and licensing documents and be able to present these documents to the Trip.com Group for verification and inspection upon request.

2. You must sign a contract with Trip.com and set at least one room type as available.

3. Ensure that all VCC or bank transfer information is correct so that payments can be settled with Trip.com correctly.

Will I need to pay any fees during the sign-up process?

Don’t worry! It‘s free and easy to list your property on Trip.com.

You will not be charged any fees to list your property on Trip.com. You will only be charged a commission fee according to the commission rate stated on your property contract once you receive bookings.

What happens next after I sign up?

Here's how it works:

  1. You sign up for an eBooking account and create your listing.
  2. You can then upload your property's content, pictures, and prices and confirm that your listing is accurate. We recommend having the following information ready before starting the sign-up process:
    • Property address and name in English
    • Property type
    • Contact details for ongoing correspondence
    • Authentic and high-resolution photos of the property
    • Settlement details
    • Breakfast and child policies
    • Be sure to check your local laws for any licensing requirements.
  3. You sign an e-contract with Trip.com once your listing has been approved by the Trip.com content review team.
  4. When you’re ready, you can open your property for bookings and start welcoming guests from around the world.
  5. Our support team will be standing by to assist 24/7.
Need more information? Check out our FAQ or reach out to us at hotelsupport@trip.com
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