The noodles are delicious and reasonably priced. The location and view are really good. It is relatively close to platform 1.2. By car, we have to enter from the north gate. We took the wrong route and climbed up from the bottom of the mountain. We only arrived at five or six in the evening. No one was guarding the entrance to the scenic spot after work. When we entered, we found that the rapeseed flowers had already bloomed and there were only a few left. Bits and pieces. I am just passing by this year, so I can only come back next year before the Qingming Festival. I heard from locals that the area of rapeseed flowers in Jiangling is larger than that in Huangling. The promotion and creation of the area in Huangling is too commercialized. I’ll go and see it again if I have the chance in the future. It was cloudy and drizzling when the photo was taken. The mist is also quite artistic.
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