Guest User
October 11, 2024
Otel sahibi ve resepsiyonda çalışan bayan kendilerinin hiç ilgisi olmayan bir konuda misafirimize yardımcı oluyoruz diyerek fazla para almaya çalışmışlardır. - Bu işletme ve çalışanlarına dikkat ediniz. The hotel owner and the lady working at the reception tried to overcharge by saying they were helping our guest with an issue that had nothing to do with them. - Be careful with this establishment and its staff. The hotel owner and the lady at the reception, for example, said that they were not allowed to stay, so they would not have to worry about anything. - They were forced to stay with these people and were not allowed. and the woman at the reception tried to take more money, claiming that they were helping our guest with a matter that did not concern them at all. - Be careful with this establishment and its employees. The hotel owner charged the lady extra money at the reception, the doorbell rang, and she said, he was worried about his problem and he didn't know what he had. - Let's op dit etablissement en zijn personeel. Le propriétaire de l'hôtel et la dame travaillant à la réception ont essayé de surcharger en disant qu'ils aidaient notre invité avec un problème qui ne les concernait pas. - Faites attention à cet établissement et à son personnel. All rights reserved. All the same. - All right. -请注意这家酒店及其工作人员。 ???でゲストを助けていると言, - Hotel room Proprietarul hotelului și doamna de la recepție au încercat să perceapă o taxă suplimentară, spunând că ajută oaspetele nostru cu o problemă care nu avea nicio legătură cu ei. - Fiți atenți la această unitate și la personalul său. Ο ιδιοκτήτης του ξενοδοχείου και η κυρία στη ρεσεψιόν προσπάθησαν να χρεώσουν υπερβολικά λέγοντας ότι βοηθούν τον επισκέπτη μας σε ένα ζήτημα που δεν τους αφορούσε. - Να είστε προσεκτικοί με αυτή την επιχείρηση και το προσωπικό της. Majitel hotelu a dáma na recepci se snažili účtovat více peněz, když tvrdili, že pomáhají našemu hostovi s problémem, který se jich netýkal. - Dejte si pozor na tento podnik a jeho personál. Hotellets ejer og damen i receptionen forsøgte at overopkræve ved at sige, at de hjalp vores gæst med et problem, der ikke havde noget med dem at gøre. - Vær opmærksom på denne virksomhed og dens personale. De hoteleigenaar en de dame aan de receptie probeerden extra geld te vragen door te zeggen dat ze onze gast hielpen met een probleem dat niets met hen te maken had. - Let's op dit etablissement en zijn personeel. Hotellin omistaja ja vastaanoton nainen yrittivät veloittaa liikaa väittämällä, että he auttoivat vierastamme asiassa, joka ei liittynyt heihin. - Ole varovainen tämän yrityksen ja sen henkilökunnan kanssa. Hotellägaren och damen i receptionen försökte ta ut för mycket pengar genom att säga att de hjälpte v
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