Guest User
September 14, 2024
If you’d like to immerse yourself in domestic Vietnamese holiday culture, this is the place to go. Sam Son isn’t exactly geared for westerners like some other north Vietnam coastal destinations, but if you can handle being a bit on the edge, keep reading. Yes, it’s a 3hr drive from Hanoi, but hire cars are a reasonably priced option to get you there. It’s totally worth it if you’re the type to leave your expectations behind and just want something different to experience. Van Chai has a few rough edges, but really just a beautiful setting with heaps of rustic charm and character. The accommodations are probably sub-3 star to a westerner, but the experience is 5 star, due to the amenities, service and food. We were a bit critical about some of its shortfalls for the first few days (we stayed 9), then we found ourselves falling in love with it. Everyone is so friendly and, well, if you like seafood, you’ll probably not want to leave. The seafood here is insane (coming from an Aussie who lives in a fishing town). Just remember to leave your expectations behind, stay at least a week, get a massage or 3 and forget about the world you left behind. Perhaps avoid local school holidays 😁 also, the local beaches aren’t great, but the on-site pools are. Special mention to Thuy who made sure our every need was attended to 💕