The hotel service is slightly inferior to other Ritz. When the hotel helped to pick up the car from the garage, the cab was covered with snow. The hotel includes breakfast, and no one can order a signature dish. After the three of us ordered, only one was served, and it was not served after that. When the people who came in after us and ordered the same meal as us came, we remembered that we asked the waiter if he could help us check when ours would be served. As a result, one waiter went to find another, and the three waiters discussed for a long time, and finally ran over to tell us that the one we ordered was gone. I asked by the way, why did the people at the next table who came later eat, but ours was gone, and why couldn't they tell us in advance? As a result, the waiter just said sorry, and then helped us order another one, and it looked rough after it was served. When we went to the hot spring, our slippers were worn by others. Finally, the ski resort is still good, but remember to make reservations for all snow activities in advance.
384 Reviews