Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha
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Rooms and Guests
1 room, 2 adults, 0 children
All Properties in Nikko

Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha

727-1 Yunishikawa, Nikko-Shi, Tochigi 321-2601, Japan, Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
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Featured in 6 Traditional Japanese Guest Houses that will Steal Your Heart The Heike no Sho, established in 1718, is an authentic historical Japanese inn that has hosted many illustrious guests, including Japanese emperors and foreign royalty. This inn exudes the sentiments of ancient Japan while incorporating modern lighting and furnishings to create a retro-modern aesthetic. Guests can enjoy the hearth-style dining the inn offers, which recently took first place in the national rankings of Japan's most authentic ancient private inns. All rooms are outfitted in the classical Japanese style, with tatami mat floors and futon bedding.Show More
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hotel overview picture
·Cleanliness: 4.6
All 26 Reviews
Train: Kawaji-Onsen Station
(20.9 km)
Train: Kinugawaonsen Station
(29.4 km)
Landmarks: Takafusa Shrine Kamisha


Guest Reviews


Guest Reviews(26)

Verified Reviews
  • Cleanliness4.6
  • Amenities4.6
  • Location4.6
  • Service4.6
Guest User
May 5, 2023
The furnishings and the overall a**osphere of the inn are unique, but I was able to enjoy an extraordinary experience. Meals are buffet. There are no ryokan Aruaru staples (sashimi or tempura). Heike soup, kenchin soba, edible wild plants and vegetables are the main ingredients of this menu. The hot springs are open 24 hours. There were six types of private baths, but they were all rock baths, so I thought it would be nice to have something different, such as a cypress bath. The room was old, but the plumbing was new and very clean. The sandals in the room had damp thongs and felt uncomfortable, so I thought it would be nice if that could be improved.
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Guest User
March 30, 2023
Visited on a family trip. The room was a small room, but Obekka was used at the front desk saying "I upgraded this time". There are many old folk houses that foreigners like + legendary Tengu, Tanuki, and Fujin Raijin from deep in the mountains of Japan. There is no toilet or bath in the room. What you have to be careful about is that the restroom only has water, and the drain from the faucet is narrow, so washing your hands is probably the limit. It has a system of shared toilets and shared baths, and the shared bath on the first floor is about the size of a public bath and has only one large bathtub. There is an outdoor area, but it is about 5 people wide. You can wash your body in the communal bath, but you can't in the private bath. I thought it was for foreign tourists from such a place. The food is a buffet and there is almost no food for children under infants, so if you are using a family, you will need to bring your own food for children who can not eat for adults, or buy meals at a convenience store in Kinugawa. be. Adult meals are delicious, but for some reason the staff rushes to eat. In the morning, when the last order time passes, the food is mercilessly lowered, so it is necessary to go early. Also, when it's time for dinner, it's annoying because they come right away to pick up the plates. If you pay 3,300 yen per group, you can use the private bath for 24 hours. There are 6 places, so I usually put it somewhere. And for repeaters, the private bath will be free next time. Based on the above, it is not suitable for families with small children at all. It would be better if they were at least junior high school students. Also, I think it would be satisfactory for couples who want to relax alone, foreign tourists, couples, and elderly female travelers. Personally, I think it would be nice if there was a toilet and bath in the room, but I think it would be difficult to get there because it takes about 60 minutes by car from Kinugawa Onsen Station to climb a mountain. There is nothing around, but on the contrary it is vacant, so I think it is good to take a walk in nature.
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Guest User
April 10, 2023
A ryokan that I have wanted to visit for a long time. What I thought when I used it this time. The first good thing was that there were many baths. There are so many that you will never get bored. Only one indoor bath, one indoor bath and one open-air bath. . There are hotels like this, but even if the hot springs are wonderful, if there are few bathtubs, it tends to be boring. Unfortunately, it seems that all the sources are the same, so if you are a hot spring enthusiast, you may be dissatisfied. Next, the quality of the hot spring was good. The water is just wonderful. It was so much that once I entered, I wanted to stay there forever. It looks like you're soaking in a creamy lotion. After getting up, the skin is surprisingly smooth! ! Finally, a private bath service. It's a paid service, but you should use it. I think it's a nice service for repeaters that you can use it not only once but also after the next time. Some people may become repeaters because of this. If I have a chance to go to Nikko (Yunishigawa) again, I would definitely like to use it.
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Guest User
March 18, 2023
I visited Yunishigawa for the Kamakura Festival. Ageha-san, who has a good reputation, was selected from among the many inns. Check in early and go to the bathroom. Well, the bath was the best. You can take a bath 24 hours a day, so I went in as many times as I could. There are many baths, so I think it would be nice to be able to visit all the hot springs in the hotel alone. The food was also good, with many dishes that match the location of the inn, mainly using mountain products. I'm glad that the service didn't interfere too much, whether it was because of the corona disaster or because of the customer's needs. I thought it was an inn that I would recommend to many people after using it. In addition to the Kamakura Festival, there are events throughout the year such as the Heike Grand Festival and the Aurora. If there is an opportunity, I wonder if it can be listed as a candidate for an inn that I would like to stay again.
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Guest User
April 2, 2023
初めて利用させていただきましたがお風呂がたくさんあり大変驚きました。 温度はどれもいい湯かげんでゆったりできました。 この時期は外気が冷えるのでいつまでも入っていたいという方にお勧めできるかと思います。 食事は夕食朝食ともにバラエティに富むビュッフェ方式。食べ放題をいいことに食べ過ぎてしまい食後は部屋の布団でしばし悶絶。 こういう滑稽な場面も旅先ならでは。人生初のかまくらも見れたし中にも入れたしで今回の旅は大満足です。 今回の旅を通し最高に心も身体も癒されました。いい宿にも巡り合えて幸せな気持ちでいっぱいです。
Guest User
March 1, 2023
宿について驚いたのは寺と見紛うような仁王像の姿。 ギョロっとこちらを見る目はまるで宿を守るガードマン。 他の旅館ではなかなかお目にかかれない造りも斬新だなぁと思いました。 茅葺の屋根も雰囲気があって私は好きです。 館内には調度品の数々が通路に並んでおかれており資料館のようでもありました。 感じたのは和風のテーマパークといったところでしょうか。 貸切風呂も含めればお風呂の数は相当なもの。追加料金はかかりますが会員になる価値はあります。しかもこの会員証生涯有効なんです。リピートする楽しみができました。 夕食バイキングはメニューはそこそこ多くお酒のラインナップが充実しているのは酒飲みにはうれしい限り。 雪を見ながら入る露天風呂は最高ですね。いい思い出を残すことができました。
Guest User
February 26, 2023
数年前に家族で宿泊させていただきました。 あの時の思い出が忘れられなく今回時間が取れたので再び湯西川へ。 施設は改装で手が施されており極なる客室もありました。 今回この極に泊まったのですが一般の客室に比べグレードの高い雰囲気。 当時のスタッフさんも相変わらず元気そうでした。 食事はバイキングに変わってしまったのは惜しまれます。 但しメニューは多くアルコール類も充実していたので呑兵衛の私どもグループには納得のできるものでした。 お風呂はこれぞ湯西川温泉という代名詞でもあるトロトロすべすべの美肌の湯。 最近訪れた下呂温泉を彷彿とさせる泉質には女性陣からも好評のようでした。 全ての面で料金以上の満足度を得られた旅館はなかなかなかったのでじつに素晴らしいと思います。 スタッフの皆様ありがとうございました。また利用させていただきます。
Guest User
February 20, 2023
かまくら祭りにあわせて2/18(土)に宿泊しました。以下に感想を記載します。 ◆館内 まず、フロントエリアには骨董とかアンティークと表現するには気が引けるような古い装飾品がごたごたと置いてあるため、とても狭いです。さらに段差があるため歩きづらく、キャリーケースの移動に苦労しました。 廊下にも埃をかぶった古いお面や獅子頭、木彫の置物などがごたごたと飾ってあり、一種独特の雰囲気を醸し出しています。 装飾品は時代やジャンルを統一するなりして置いた方が良いのではないかと感じました。 また、全体的に照明が薄暗く、あちこちに段差があるため、歩く際は注意が必要です。 建物が古いため仕方ないとは思うのですが、館内の階段が総じて急なうえに段の幅が狭いため、上り下りが危険です(実際、階段から落ちた人を見ました)。 ◆客室 着物(古着・ところどころ破けている)が置いてあり、邪魔なうえに不気味でした。 置物などの装飾品は埃を払い、着物を飾るならメンテナンスをするべきでしょう。というか、部屋に着物は飾る必要はないと思います。 最も困ったのは、部屋にトイレがないこと。フロアに男女1つずつある共用トイレを使用してください、とのことでした。1フロアに4室なので、単純計算で8人で2つのトイレを共用するということになります。 食事の後や朝は混雑するうえ、おなかの調子が悪かったのか、なかなか出てこない人がいたりして、大変困りました。 ◆お風呂 温度は熱めで泉質も良かったですが、貸切風呂(3,300円)を推しているのか、旅館の規模に比して脱衣場も大浴場も狭く、洗い場も少なくて、開放感はイマイチでした。特に露天風呂は3~4人くらいで満員になるくらい小さくて、順番待ちする始末でした。 シャンプーはPOLA製、ローションなども置いてあり、アメニティについては問題ありませんでした。 ◆食事 食事会場は古民家風で良い雰囲気でしたが、4人席しかないため同行6人で一緒に座ることができず、不満でした。 生野菜が少なく、果物は一切なかったのが残念でしたが、料理はおいしかったです。 ◆サービス すれ違った従業員の方がポケットに手を突っ込んでスリッパを引きずりながら歩いていて、挨拶もしないのには驚きました。 フロントの方にトイレの件で「どこにも記載がなかった」と言ったところ、「ホームページに書いてあります!」と言われました。後から再度確認したところ、どこにも記載されていませんでした。全体的なサービス品質はあまり良くないと思います。 かまくら祭り会場までの無料送迎バスがあったので助かりました。 ---------------------------- 複数の旅行予約サイトで評価が高かったのでそこそこ期待していたのですが、全くの期待外れでした。 友人・知人が宿泊先候補に挙げたら、「やめた方がいいよ」と言うでしょう。 まずリピートはありません。
Guest User
January 30, 2023
とても個性的な宿です。 宿のいたるところに彫り物や壺などの骨董品が沢山あります。部屋には振袖も飾ってあって雰囲気がとてもいいです。建物は古いのですが窓が広くて山肌の景色がよく見えます。以前は主人とは雪の多い時期に訪れ今回は母と紅葉で訪れました。2度目の訪問です。豪華ではありませんが体に優しいご飯で大満足です。 また訪れたいです。

Property Policies

Check-in and Check-out Times
Check-in: After 14:00
Check-out: Before 12:00
Child Policies
Children of all ages are welcome at this property.
Additional fees may be charged for children using existing beds. Add the number of children to get a more accurate price.

Cots and Extra Beds
For all room types, cots and extra beds cannot be added.

StyleA la carte
Contact hotel
Additional breakfast fees are not included in the total and need to be paid at the property.

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Property Description

  • Number of Rooms: 50
Featured in 6 Traditional Japanese Guest Houses that will Steal Your Heart The Heike no Sho, established in 1718, is an authentic historical Japanese inn that has hosted many illustrious guests, including Japanese emperors and foreign royalty. This inn exudes the sentiments of ancient Japan while incorporating modern lighting and furnishings to create a retro-modern aesthetic. Guests can enjoy the hearth-style dining the inn offers, which recently took first place in the national rankings of Japan's most authentic ancient private inns. All rooms are outfitted in the classical Japanese style, with tatami mat floors and futon bedding.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to stay at Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha?

Prices at Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha are subject to change according to dates, hotel policy, and other factors. To view prices, please search for the dates you wish to stay at the hotel.

What are the check-in and check-out times at Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha?

The check-in time is after 14:00 and the check-out time is before 12:00.

Does Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha provide airport transfer services?

No, the Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha doesn't provide airport transfer services.

What amenities and services does Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha have?

Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha has the following amenities and services: Parking not available.

Does Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha have a swimming pool?

No, Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha doesn't have a pool.

Does Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha have fitness amenities?

No, Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha doesn't have fitness amenities.

Does Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha provide Wi-Fi?

Please view the amenity list on the hotel page.

Does Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha have non-smoking rooms?

Please view the hotel listing for details.

Does Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha provide breakfast?

Yes, Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha provides breakfast.

Does Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha have a restaurant?

No, Kanmuheishiyukarinoyado Ageha doesn't have a restaurant.

About This Property

Nearest Train StationKawaji-Onsen Station
Distance to Train Station20.9KM