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Hotel Sun Hatoya
3.3/53 Reviews

Hotel Sun Hatoya

Ito|2.2km from Ennoji
I made a reservation through a travel agency website. In order to use the Shizuoka Prefectural Discount, I checked with the call center in advance, but they were very polite and gave me a good impression even before I left! (100 points for the call center) I headed for lunch at the Sakana Center in the Odawara fishing port on the way from the metropolitan area. I arrived at around 3:00, and when I checked in, the response was very blunt. . . There was no problem using the Shizuoka Prefectural Discount, but I was suddenly told that payment was cash only and that cards were not accepted. I saw the same response in other people's reviews, so it was a great answer to bring cash. I'm sure it's a cheap plan, so you don't have to pay card fees, so it's cash only, but if so, I'd like you to tell me when you make a reservation. Then choose a time for dinner. It was summer vacation, and it was right in the middle of Obon, so it was very crowded, so it seemed to be divided into three times, and it was a system to choose the desired time. The 18:00 event was sold out, so I chose the 19:30 event, but it sold out immediately. There was only a very early time slot of 16:30 for the rest, so it's safe. I have time until dinner, so I'm going straight to the pool. The outdoor pool is open until 17:00, and the hot spring pool ”Ancient Beach” is a pool wear, but it is better to think of it as an indoor pool. At first, I didn't realize it was an ”indoor hot spring”. The water is not warm, so it is better to enjoy it purely as a pool. As for the undersea hot spring, the children were happy, but I feel that it would be nice to clean the aquarium a little more. The men and women change places at night and in the morning, so you can enjoy both. However, since it is an old facility, you will pass through the hallway to the bath and pool. And there are stairs on the way, and even more stairs are used to go to the bath. It is the exact opposite of barrier-free, so be careful. Dinner was a buffet at the theater. Seats are assigned to each room, so there is no need to rush. . . Competition for food. All customers on the 1st and 2nd floors will gather in the buffet area on the 1st floor. People who are exactly ”dense” and flock to food. I thought this must be the Showa style. The taste is neither good nor bad, but various people spoil it, so the shape gradually collapses. There is a chuckman and solid fuel on the desk, and you can cook meat yourself. Since it will be replenished sequentially, I think that it will be fine after the wave of people calms down instead of the first round crowd. Also, due to the corona crisis, there will be no shows on stage. There is only a pigeon-shaped laser beam and an old-fashioned commercial song. Breakfast was at the same venue, but the seats in the morning are contested. I think the best thing to do is to tell the person in charge that you want to use it and have them clean it up. Hatoya goods are sold at the shop, so I think it's an interesting story. I've been wanting to stay once after seeing a commercial for a long time, and this time I was finally able to do it. It was a very good experience, but I thought it would be fine to stay only once. By the way, you can see the sea from all the rooms. After getting off the elevator, I could see the sea, the pool, and the Odoriko on the right side as seen from the corridor. The left side is completely oceanfront. But this time is enough, there will be no next time.

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Hotel Ito Powell
4.4/515 Reviews
The appearance is quite aging, but it feels like a Showa when entering the building, but the maintenance is firm, and the staff is veteran and has a sense of security. The room was full of Showa feeling, but it was a room that could stay slowly. It is a great view from the location to the room and the open-air bath in front of the sea. Just once, there was a fireworks festival and I could see it from the room. Dinner is not luxurious, but it continues with sashimi (some raw), cherry blossom dance, shabu shabu, and the main is boiled with gold eyes! The seasoning was also the best. 〆 cherry blossom rice is already full when it is cooked. The next breakfast is a buffet, and there are not many items, but I think it is satisfactory content. It was good to have dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried dried d I will take care of your next trip to ITO!
Kameya Rakan
4.5/571 Reviews
夏の気配もすっかり消えて寒くなり、何処か温泉に入れてかつ安い宿に泊まりに行きたい気分だなぁと思って色々探していたら伊東のこの宿を見つけ、GoToキャンペーンを利用して宿泊。素泊まり・バス、トイレ付き客室・貸切風呂利用権つきで4700円ほどでした。 まず、立地は最高といっていいでしょう。伊東駅から徒歩5分圏内、周辺には豊富な飲食店。館内での食事がなくても不便さは感じません。もう少し足を伸ばして海沿いの道路を15分くらい歩けばコンビニやドンキホーテ、道の駅なんかもあったりして、万が一忘れ物をした時の急な買い出しや、お土産の物色もできます。宿から道路を挟んで向かい側はすぐ海で、オレンジビーチという海水浴場になっています。夏に海水浴に伊東に来ようと思ってる人には、この宿の立地の良さが更に際立つ事と思います。 さて、気になる中身ですが、老舗というだけあって、ぱっと見の外観の印象は結構というかだいぶ古く、海沿いに建っていることもあり潮風にさらされ外壁が痛んで見える為少々不安になります。調べたところ50年ほど前に建てられた建物を増改築を繰り返して現在に至っているようです。公式ホームページにも建物の外観をはっきり写した写真を見た記憶がなかったので、いざ初めてその姿を見ると一瞬「えっ、アレなの?」と言う印象を抱きますが、一歩中に足を踏み入れたらロビーは綺麗なので安心です。更に、「この道うん十年」というような貫禄たっぷりなフロント係のおじさん達が温かく出迎え、とっても丁寧に受付と館内の説明をしてくださいます。 部屋まではエレベーターか階段で向かいます。私の部屋は上層階だったので、エレベーターに乗ります。雑居ビルにあるような小さなエレベーターが一機あるだけなので、このご時世「密」を気にする人には気になるかもしれません。 エレベーターを降りると、目の前にはなんとも味のある木目のドアが並んでいて、それが客室への入り口になっています。そのドアをコレまたなんとも味のある、「かめや」の名に因んだ「亀」を象ったプラスチックのキーホルダーのついたシリンダーキーで開けて中へ。 お部屋は畳敷き、広さにして10畳の和室です。やはり古いのか歩くとちょっとミシミシ言います。でもちゃんと綺麗にお掃除が行き届いているのでさほど気になりません。部屋に漂う畳の香りが気分を落ち着かせてくれます。広い空間に一人でいるせいもあるのかもしれませんが、保温性はあまり良くないなか少々肌寒く感じる事があります。エアコンがついているので軽く暖房を入れようとしましたが、残念ながら客側で冷房・暖房の切り替えは出来ない設定にされていました。季節の変わり目の微妙な気温の時期に行くときは、ある程度温度調節の出来る格好で行った方が良いかもしれません。 バス・トイレも付いていて、トイレはキチンとウォシュレット付きの水洗便所と、現代に対応しています。浴衣、タオル、バスマットなどのアメニティ類は一通り揃っており、その他電気ポット、グラス、栓抜きなんかも置いてありました。窓の外は相模湾が一望できる、いわゆるオーシャンビューです。生憎の天気でしたが、ふとした晴れ間に虹を見ることができました。 私が泊まった6階の部屋のすぐ向かいには、大浴場「銀河」がありました。チェックイン開始から深夜の2時ごろまでは男湯、それ以降は女湯となる時間での入れ替え制。別館地下にあるもう一方の大浴場「深海」と、交互に男女の利用時間が入れ替わるシステムになっています。今回は「銀河」のみ利用しましたが、良くも悪くも昔ながらの大浴場で、大浴場と言う割にはそれほど広いわけでもないという感じで、イマイチ面白みがないと言えばそうかもしれません。景色は山側を向いており、伊東の街並みを見渡すことができます。 貸し切り風呂は、チェックインの際に2種類の中から選びます。一つは屋根ありの展望風呂「ぐんじょうの湯」、もう一つは屋上の露天風呂「まんてんの湯」で、どちらに入るか希望を伝えた後、時間を決めます。時間設定は1時間おきになっていて、予約した時間の10分くらい前になるとお風呂の準備が出来ましたよとフロントの人が部屋に内線をかけてお知らせをしてくれます。そうしたらフロントまで鍵を受け取りに行き、予約した時間から45分以内に入浴を済ませ、鍵をフロントに返すというシステムになっています。45分以内で済ませるという点は、人によって長いと感じるか短いと感じるか、結構分かれると思います。 今回私は露天風呂「まんてんの湯」に入りました。良い感じにひんやりと冷たい空気の中で、屋根のない場所で、夜の海を眺めながら温泉に浸かる体験は心地よいものでした。晴れた日には星空も眺めることができて更に素敵なものになるに違いないでしょう。こちらの貸し切り風呂は割と後になって作られたものなのか、新しめの印象で綺麗でした。が、脱衣所の洗面所の天井に蜘蛛が巣を張っていてそれもその上で元気に動き回っていたのは少しなんとかして欲しかったかも。 総評としましては、首都圏から程よい距離にあって、古き良き日本の温泉宿を、手頃な値段で味わえる、という点ではとても良い宿だったと思います。 プランによって泊まることのできるお部屋だったり、入ることの出来るお風呂は様々ですので、事前にしっかり確認をして予約する事が大事です。バス・トイレなしという訳あり部屋なんかもあるそうなので、安さを重視する人はその辺も気をつけた方が良いかもしれません。
Hotel Himalaya Sea
4.2/56 Reviews
Wonderful last minute change of plans! We Totally stumbled upon this hotel on our trip to Hakone. While visiting the sleepy little fishing town of Ito we decided to stay the night, but after staying our first night we stayed longer. The hotel and town were so pretty. We ended up staying on the 3rd floor in a corner room that gave us an amazing view of the entire Segami Bay and city. The room was large and had huge sliding windows that took of both walls facing the bay. Everything was perfect! From the swimming pool, free Onsen free drinks, sodas juice and coffee. Just a 10 min walk from the train station. Staff were incredibly helpful and kind, with lots of useful information. Our trip was a total of 6 wks in Japan, Korea and the Philippines and this stay will be our fondest memory! Thank you again for the amazing visit : )
Seven Seas Hotel - Ito
1/51 Reviews
The seaside in Ito is great in terms of sanitation and facilities, and the hot springs are flowing water. It is also close to the station, but because it is on the beach, the wind is relatively strong, especially when the weather is not good. Everything else is good.
4.5/53 Reviews
I used it for one night on February 13th. The exterior and interior are in a state of deterioration over time, but they are clean, so there is no unpleasant impression at all. It's perfect for those who want to feel the nostalgia of the good old Showa era (laughs). This time, I made a reservation with a special plan, but thanks to your kindness, I was changed to a room on the 3rd floor (308). It was a room with a balcony and a great view of the Ito station building and the sea. There is also an air conditioner, humidifier, and refrigerator, so there is no inconvenience at all. We thoroughly enjoyed the two large baths and two private baths. The public bath [Gekko no Yu] (with an open-air bath) is small and the water pressure in the shower is weak. [Venus no Yu] (with sleeping bath) is spacious and the water pressure of the shower is fine. Private baths [Yumezora] and [Koizora] are rock baths where up to 4 family members can relax. As a point to note, there are a lot of stairs to move to and they are next to each other, so the conversation will be leaked (scary). . This was more than I expected! ! In particular, the seasoning, fatty topping, and fluffy melting texture of the kinmedai simmered (fillet) for dinner are sure to be the best ever. Also, the breakfast [raw from Asagiri Kogen*] is so delicious! ! Less than 10,000 yen per person, all-you-can-eat hot springs, and dinner and breakfast included (restaurant) I think it's great quality. Thank you and respect for your efforts. Ito Onsen is formidable...
Garland Court Usami Private Hot Spring Condominium Hotel
4.5/51 Reviews
It is a good place, so I use it sometimes. If you go, autumn and winter are good. It is better to have an open-air bath. Because it is in the mountain in summer, there is no way to cause insect relations. This time, the open-air bath was pleasant ~ It was a good feeling because it was empty on weekdays ^^ I will go again.

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