Anonymous User
February 3, 2024
So where do I start.
I call be fore hand told I would be arriving at about 3am as working late.
Woke up at 8.30 to the sound of dripping water from fire alarm which quickly turned in to the sounds of drums from jumunji.
I found the staff after 10mins of looking they came in looked and left me. I could here smashing and banging up stairs for 25mins all the while I've been left in a leaking wet room with no interaction from staff not even a offer of another room.
Then they turn up has the leak stopped they asked !.
I had to get ready in a soaked room with my bags and shoes and coat soaked.
I went thru the proper channels to ask for a refund and was told I should off called the night emergency number last night to report the issue. so NO I can't get a refund.
What part of 8.30 am falls in to the night is beyond me and further more I'm not martie mcfly and dont have a Delorean that travels at 88 mph to predict or correct future events.
This place is absult health hazard
Water dripping of electricity to start with and then there's the cleanly ness of the place.
Mould, soap scum, dirt, cobwebs, ect
Is lucky it was late and I couldn't see the room condition in the dark.
Needs shutting down absulte front of this place.
How they ever got on trip advisor is beyond me
I've up load some photos but can't ad the videos ashame.