TAKE A KID MOUNTAIN BIKING DAY | Christie Lake Conservation Area

TAKE A KID MOUNTAIN BIKING DAY | Christie Lake Conservation Area

Oct 5, 2024 (UTC-5)
Christie Lake Conservation Area


This is a family oriented event intended for young riders ages 5-12 and their parents. We will meet in the field closest to the mountain bike parking lot to begin our day with some skill practice and fun learning in a relaxed environment. Then we'll hit the trails to put our learning into action! This is an opportunity to ride as a family and meet other kids and families who enjoy riding the mountain bike trails at Christie Lake (please note, this is not a formal lesson and parents are responsible for their children at all times). All children must be accompanied by a parent and be able to ride a bike with pedals and without training wheels.Helmets for all riders (parents and children) must be worn.Riders must have closed toed shoes (no sandals).We will take breaks along the trail, and families can join for as long or as short a time as they feel comfortable with.Bug spray and sunscreen are recommended.We encourage families to bring snacks, water and a lunch for after if you'd like to stay and picnic with the other families. HBMBA Directors and volunteers will be on site to help support and lead this family event. Information Source: Hamilton Burlington Mountain Biking Association | eventbrite

Provided by Korie|Published Sep 27, 2024


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