PWYC Collage Night: Wednesday, October 2 | Issues Magazine Shop

PWYC Collage Night: Wednesday, October 2 | Issues Magazine Shop

Oct 2, 2024 (UTC-5)
Issues Magazine Shop


✿ We’re excited to introduce a series of subsidized collage nights to our evening programming line-up! Once a month. Pay-what-you-can tickets. Two hours of free-flowing collage time. ✿Cozy up with us for an evening of collage around our blue table. Stick together a love letter, collect manifestations, develop a colour story, or come with no plan at all and see where the vibe takes you. The time is entirely yours to use creatively, that is to say, this is not a guided workshop. It's more of an open studio experience. Sign up with an open mind and treat yourself to two hours of mind-wandering time. No experience necessary. All collage materials provided. Tickets available on a pay-what-you-can basis. Funds support the maintenance of our provided materials and care of our space. -- This event begins at 6:30PM and ends at 8:30PM. Late arrivals may not be permitted entry. -- Please be curtious. If you're unable to attend, please release your ticket or request a refund so we can open up a spot on the waitlist. In order to receive a refund, please make your request at least 24 hours before the event. If you need anything, email us at -- The SpaceIssues Magazine Shop is an independent magazine retailer founded by Nicola Hamilton. Issues is a clubhouse, a gathering place for magazine lovers, and what we hope will be a catalyst for innovation, collaboration, and a new generation of independent media in Canada. Find us online at or @issuesmagshop Information Source: Issues Magazine Shop | eventbrite

Provided by Meara|Published Sep 27, 2024


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