DANCEHACK 2024 | Lisser Hall

DANCEHACK 2024 | Lisser Hall

Sep 27–Sep 29, 2024 (UTC-8)
Lisser Hall


DanceHack is an annual gathering of creatives, technologists, and dancers to explore the dynamic interplay of dance and technology.This year’s theme, A Body of Work, invites us to reconnect with the human body—its innate technology, physicality, and creativity—in the face of rapid technological advancements.As we delve into advanced tools like motion capture, physiological data sensors, robotics, and AI, we encourage participants to engage with these innovations in ways that enhance our connection to movement.What does it mean to be a dancing body in a world in a world of constant change? How can we cultivate practices that fuse dance and technology, empowering rather than overwhelming? In an era of constant innovation, can we move forward with a focus on harmony?Join us for 3 days of hands-on workshops, serendipitous connections and collaborations — let's hack, move, play, and uncover new ways in which dance and technology converge!Workshops:Biophysical Expression, Affect & Movement by Grisha Coleman, Mark-David Hosale, Alan MacyClock, Fall—a presentation by Sydney SkybetterCreative Collaborations: How to dance hack with a diverse group of peopleby Lisa WymoreHow does AI technology shape our identity, social dynamics, and culture?by Avital MeshiIntroduction to Isadora, Izzycast, & Icreate 3by Ian WintersImprovisation with data StructuresbyDaiane Lopes Da SilvaDanceHack is NOTAFLOF (No One Turned Away for Lack of Funds). If the cost is an issue, we have volunteer opportunities that can cover the entrance fee (though travel and accommodations aren’t included). Simply reach out to to find out more. LEARN MORE AT DANCEHACK.ORG Information Source: Kinetech Arts | eventbrite

Provided by Martinique|Published Sep 27, 2024


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