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The Collection: New Conversations | New-York Historical Society
Aug 11, 2023–Jun 15, 2025 (UTC-5)
New York
What new stories can familiar works of art tell? This exhibition showcases longstanding favorites from The New York Historical's permanent collection alongside recent Museum acquisitions and selected loans. Pointed juxtapositions raise questions, create unexpected resonances, and shift established meanings.Martin Wong’s Canal Street (1992) and Oscar yi Hou’s Far Eastsiders, aka: Cowgirl Mama A.B & Son Wukong (2021) establish a longstanding lineage for queer Asian diasporic artists in New York City. And the juxtaposition of Thomas Cole’s five-painting series The Course of Empire (ca. 1834–1836) with Contact 2,021 (2021) by contemporary Shinnecock artist Courtney M. Leonard exposes the racial and gender politics of the Hudson River School landscape tradition. The groupings aim to center long-marginalized experiences and prompt a rethinking of both American art and the way museums tell history. Curated by Wendy Nālani E. Ikemoto, senior curator of American art.
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A Traveler’s Guide to Mettlach: Villeroy and Boch | Pomona
Sep 9, 2023–Jun 30, 2025 (UTC-8)
A Traveler’s Guide to Mettlach: Villeroy and Boch showcases everyday life in the 1800s Mettlach, Germany. Scenes of everyday life in Mettlach have been documented and celebrated by Villeroy and Boch, a ceramic production company founded in 1836 when Jean François Boch and Nicolas Villeroy merged their ceramic businesses into what is now known as Villeroy and Boch.
The workers of the Mettlach factory came from diverse backgrounds, including art studios, archives, and museums. The varied backgrounds of the factory workers contributed to the artistic achievements of the Villeroy and Boch company. The Mettlach collection reflects German cultural experiences, societal interpretations, and mythology.
This exhibition shows scenes of love and relationships as well as larger themes of fantasy, offering an all-encompassing snapshot of the myriad facets of human life within Mettlach. A Traveler’s Guide to Mettlach, on view in the Robert and Colette Wilson Gallery through June 2025, presents concepts of life, laughter, relationships, and the day-to-day existence of the German people.
Feeling Blue, Alberta Whittle | Greenwich
Oct 5, 2023–Dec 31, 2030 (UTC)
The artwork is displayed on powder-coated steel gates, designed by Whittle and made at Glasgow Sculpture Studios. It was unveiled on 5 October 2023 at the Queen’s House in Greenwich.
Feeling Blue has been developed in response to RMG’s large and varied collections, as well as the history and cultural significance of Greenwich. The 160 x 155 cm tapestry is filled with richly evocative textures, symbolic shapes, and tropical colours. It was woven by hand over a period of six months by Naomi Robertson and Elaine Wilson at Dovecot Studios. They used a variety of techniques, yarns, and over 150 colour mixes to add variety and depth to the surface of the tapestry.
Dominating the tapestry is the phrase ‘feeling blue’ which stands out from a background of blues and greens, the combination of different shades resembling water in motion. Blue is immediately associated with oceans and seas but there are also more emotive connotations which Whittle chose to explore. The colour blue, and in particular the term ‘feeling blue’, is used to describe sadness or depression. While the exact origin of the term is uncertain it has been suggested that it comes from the tradition of ships flying blue flags and officers bearing a painted blue band when a captain or officer died. For others, blue symbolises tranquillity. In the Queen’s House the colour blue is used throughout for decoration, notably the balustrade of the Tulip Stairs.
Drawing on her research of the British naval uniform, Whittle also reflects on the legacies of British colonialism. From the mid-eighteenth-century, the Royal Navy introduced a uniform for officers made from a deep blue fabric. The colour was achieved using a dye from the indigo plant that was native to India. Until the end of the eighteenth century the indigo plant was grown, harvested and processed by enslaved people on North American plantations. Indentured labourers in India and modern-day Bangladesh also produced indigo for the East India Company. Today, Navy blue endures as a colour of authority from police to military officers, though the history of the colour and connection to colonialism is little known.
Whittle continues her exploration of maritime worlds by the inclusion of coloured ropes – reminiscent of those used on ships. For Whittle, rope is a symbol of both hope and oppression. Ropes are associated with bondage, imprisonment and even execution but are equally symbolic of lifelines for people in distress. Whittle’s ongoing engagement with the climate crisis is found in the decorative coral that frames the tapestry. The delicate pastel pinks and vibrant yellows evoke the beauty of tropical oceans and are a reminder of the importance of reefs. Decorative cultured freshwater pearl beads have also been stitched onto the tapestry. As well as representing an oceanic realm, Whittle connects Feeling Blue with two sixteenth-century paintings the Armada Portrait and Sir Francis Drake which will be displayed alongside the tapestry. In both portraits, pearls are used as a symbol of wealth, some of which was derived from colonial trade and exploitation.
The tapestry is hung on a set of blue ‘gates’, which are an important component of Whittle’s work. Whittle sees the ‘gates’ as reminiscent of fencing, suggesting containment and control. Placed within the gallery space the gates no longer act as a barrier. Instead, Whittle uses the gates to expand rather than restrict as visitors are free to walk around them and view the tapestry from both sides. The decorative fretwork on the panels evokes the architecture of the Queen’s House, in particular the Tulip Stairs.
Alberta Whittle, said: “The commission has been a wonderful opportunity to think deeply about maritime histories and consider the powers in place that decide how these histories are portrayed. This new tapestry is a chance to explore these ideas of power alongside the rhythms of the ocean and its vulnerability under climate colonialism. The commission has also provided me with the opportunity to continue to work with Naomi Robertson and Elaine Wilson at Dovecot Studios and the rest of the fantastic weaving team.”
Celia Joicey, Director of Dovecot Studios, said: "This commission represents the contemporary significance of tapestry as a collective medium. Started in the midst of the 2021 lockdown, it is testimony to a group of people responding creatively and collaboratively to the Museum collections. Feeling Blue embodies the passion, focus and skill of Dovecot’s weavers, Alberta Whittle’s endlessly interesting ideas and the care and enterprise of the commissioning team."
Katherine Gazzard, Curator of Art, Royal Museums Greenwich, said: “At Royal Museums Greenwich, we are committed to working with contemporary artists whose practice engages with our historic sites and collections, as well as with the present challenges facing our communities and our planet. The opportunity to commission a contemporary tapestry from Alberta Whittle and Dovecot Studios spoke powerfully to this ethos. The finished tapestry will go on public display in the Queen’s House, our flagship art gallery. When the Queen’s House was built in the early 17th century, it was at the cutting edge of art and design. Commissions like Feeling Blue help us to honour that legacy, ensuring that, four centuries after the building’s completion, the Queen’s House continues to showcase artistic innovations and new perspectives.”
Feeling Blue
Alberta Whittle
Tapestry by Dovecot Studios
2023, cotton, linen, synthetic yarn, cultured freshwater pearl beads
Tapestry woven for Dovecot by Naomi Robertson, Master Weaver, and Elaine Wilson
Displayed on powder coated steel gates made by Glasgow Sculpture Studios
Purchased with assistance from the Contemporary Art Society
Betye Saar: Drifting Toward Twilight | Huntington Library
Nov 11, 2023–Nov 30, 2027 (UTC-8)
San Marino
Nov. 11, 2023–Nov. 30, 2027 | Renowned American artist Betye Saar’s large-scale work “Drifting Toward Twilight”—commissioned by The Huntington—is a site-specific installation that features a 17-foot-long vintage wooden canoe and found objects, including birdcages, antlers, and natural materials harvested by Saar from The Huntington’s grounds.
Betye Saar: Drifting Toward Twilight | Huntington Library
Nov 11, 2023–Nov 30, 2027 (UTC-8)
San Marino
Nov. 11, 2023–Nov. 30, 2027 | Renowned American artist Betye Saar’s large-scale work “Drifting Toward Twilight”—commissioned by The Huntington—is a site-specific installation that features a 17-foot-long vintage wooden canoe and found objects, including birdcages, antlers, and natural materials harvested by Saar from The Huntington’s grounds.
AWARE annonce les quatre rapporteur·euse·s des Prix 2024 | Paris
En 2024, pour la 8e édition des prix AWARE, deux prix seront attribués : le prix Nouveau Regard, récompensant une artiste en milieu decarrière et le prix d’honneur, attribué à une artiste justifiant de plus de 40 ans decarrière. À nouveau cette année, quatre rapporteur·euse·s – professionnel·le·sengagé·e·s du monde de la culture – présélectionneront chacun·e un duo d’artistes, nommées respectivement au prix Nouveau Regard et au prix d’honneur, et présenteront et défendront leur travail devant un jury composé de sept figures majeures du monde de la culture. Les quatre rapporteur·euse·spour l’édition 2024 sont Simona Dvorák, Antoine Idier, Noelia Portela et Olivier Zeitoun.
Simona Dvorák
Simona Dvorák est curatrice et historienne de l’art basée à Paris. Elle s’intéresseà des pratiques performatives, sonores, radiophoniques et vidéo, en mettanten valeur un travail collectif à long terme. En tant que curatrice au sein de l’Initiative for Practices and Visions of Radical Care, elle étudie la manière dont nous pouvons créer des espaces communs et solidaires dans la sphère culturelle. Son travail souligne l’importance des « processus d’exposition » qui anticipent les futurs possibles : antisexistes, antiracistes, inclusifs. Plus récemment, elle a été boursière du programme Art et éducation à la documenta fifteen à Kasselet a collaboré sur la conception du programme public Walking with Water, imaginé en relation avec le pavillon serbe de la 59e Biennale de Venise. Elle a été également chargée de programmation au Centre Pompidou à Paris ouelle a notamment travaillé sur le programme Cultures d’avenir. Actuellement, Dvorák est curatrice invitée, avec Tadeo Kohan, pour le programme « actes delangage » à la Maison populaire de Montreuil. Parallèlement, elle développe un projet de recherche sur la politique des archives au Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, en collaboration avec Merv Espina.
Antoine Idier
Antoine Idier est maître de conférences en science politique à Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye, où il coordonne les enseignements « Art & culture » et dirige le Master Politiques de création. Il a publié de nombreux ouvrages, dont Les Vies de GuyHocquenghem. Politique, sexualité, culture(Fayard, 2017), Archives des mouvements LGBT+ (Textuel, 2018), Pureté etimpureté de l’art. Michel Journiac et le Sida (Sombres torrents, 2020) ou encore Résistances Queer. Une histoire des cultures LGBTQI+(avec Pochep, Delcourt/La Découverte, 2023). Il a édité des écrits de Guy Hocquenghem (Un journal de rêve, Verticales, 2017) et de yann beauvais (Agir le cinéma, Presses du réel, 2021). En 2022-2023, il a été commissaire de l’exposition Dans les marges. Trente ans du fonds Michel Chomarat à la bibliothèque de Lyon. Pour un projet en cours d’écriture, il a également reçu une bourse de recherche de la fondation Robert Rauschenberg.
Noelia Portela
Noelia Portela est commissaire d’exposition indépendante et coordinatrice de projets culturels basée à Paris. Noelia Portela est diplômée de l’école d’Architecture et de Design de l’université Victoria de Wellington en Nouvelle-Zélande. En 2017, elle fonde Persona Curada, un projet curatorial itinérant et expérimental à but non lucratif qui vise à promouvoir l’art contemporain latino-américain, mis en perspective avec la scène artistique française. Avec Persona Curada, elle organise des expositions, des projections, des performances et des débats en collaboration avec des institutions et des espaces d’art contemporain. Ses textes ont été publiés dans des revues comme Artishock Magazine (Chile), Relieve Contemporaneo (Argentina) et Obra Latinoamericana (Suisse).
Olivier Zeitoun
Olivier Zeitoun est attaché de conservation au département Design et Prospective industrielle du Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, à Paris. Diplômé en philosophie, histoire de l’art et en sciences sociales, il est l’auteur de nombreux articles et essais sur les enjeux liés aux champs du numérique et du vivant, dans l’art et le design. Il a été co-commissaire des expositions « La Fabrique du Vivant » (Centre Pompidou, 2019), « Réseaux-Mondes » (Centre Pompidou, 2022), « Mimésis, un design vivant » (Centre Pompidou-Metz, 2022), avec Marie-Ange Brayer, et a co-dirigé les catalogues les accompagnant. Il poursuit ses activités de commissariat, d’enseignement, de recherche et de publications en tant que commissaire et critique indépendant. Il ouvrira prochainement au Huidenclub, à Rotterdam, avec Léo Orta, l’exposition « Design Sediments ».
SHUYANFU Dinner Show | Eastern Suburb Memory
Shuyanfu is located in the East Suburb Memory International Fashion Industrial Park in Chenghua District, Chengdu. It is an original Han culture restaurant show brand that integrates music and dance performances, light and shadow art, and Dining experience.
As a newly empowered boutique cultural and tourism comprehensive project, Shuyanfu takes Hanfu culture as its creative background, traces the origins of traditional Chinese banquet etiquette, leverages the historical context and integrated development of Sichuan cuisine culture, and adopts professional-grade stage design and dance show visual technology to create a panoramic immersive Dinner Show concept dining show experience scene.
The project specially invites domestic stage performance artists, well-known costume designers, senior stage lighting designers, music producers, space design experts, Dining culture experts, etc. to participate in the creation. In terms of spatial creativity, Shuyanfu has gathered three: the "Han-style Shuyan" cultural landscape with a height of over 14 meters in China; the national industrial style panoramic immersive Han culture theme feast; the national interactive space integrating music banquet dance show, light and shadow dining show, and Hanfu fashion show. In terms of emotional value, Shuyanfu revolves around the music and dance style and banquet scenes of the Han, Tang and Song dynasties in China. With "one step, one scene, one dance, one taste, one banquet, one dream", it presents a visual feast of SHOW color, a food feast of dreaming back to the Yanli of Shuhan, and a feast of bliss for dialogue with the romantic figures of the ages.
The creative team combines the themes of "Han, Tang and Song", from spatial layout, stage design and dance shows to dining etiquette and food design, using dance and music as a wedge and food as a medium, integrating Hanfu culture, Sichuan cuisine culture, ritual music and dance shows, unfolding an aesthetic picture of Shu Han style, taking customers through the long river of history and experiencing an immersive ancient banquet atmosphere.
Watch the Hanchao Festival, enjoy ancient music and dance, taste the palace banquet, and appreciate the elegance of the ages. Shuyanfu takes "the inheritance and development of Han culture" as its core, and aims to integrate the transformation of industrial heritage into the creation of Han culture public space. It makes full use of the rich historical resources and urban genes of Chengdu Han culture, and relies on the Dongjiao Memory Industrial Heritage carrier. Through the collision and integration of immersive Han cultural experience and postmodern industrial heritage, it revitalizes industrial relics, creates new cultural consumption scenes, helps historical and cultural inheritance and urban renewal construction, and promotes the diversified integration and development of cultural and creative industries. It strives to create a "new national tide" international cultural business card exclusively for Chengdu, so that more people can walk into the story of Shuyanfu and understand, feel, and fall in love with the beauty of traditional Chinese culture.
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Baile de San Valentin Y Arrolladora y Primavera 2024 (Reno) | Reno - Sparks Convention Center
Feb 16, 2024 (UTC-8)ENDED
Baile de San Valentin Y Arrolladora y Primavera, an exciting concert event, is set to take place at the esteemed Reno - Sparks Convention Center on February 16, 2024. This captivating show promises to be an unforgettable experience for music enthusiasts and fans alike. Located at 4599 S. Virginia Street, Reno, NV, 89502, the venue provides a perfect setting for the electrifying performances that will grace the stage. The concert will feature an array of sensational artists, including the renowned Arrolladora and Primavera, who will captivate the audience with their mesmerizing music. The performers will deliver an extraordinary lineup of their greatest hits, showcasing their immense talent and captivating stage presence. This remarkable event is a must-see for all music lovers, offering a unique opportunity to witness live performances of some of the most beloved songs in the industry. The tickets for Baile de San Valentin Y Arrolladora y Primavera will be available for purchase from January 10, 2024, at 03:00 until February 17, 2024, at 06:00. Don't miss out on this extraordinary concert experience that will leave you with cherished memories for years to come.
House of HEALS DRAG SHOW | Bangkok
House of HEALS DRAG SHOW is a well-known drag show venue in Bangkok. It attracts many tourists and local residents with its wonderful performances and unique atmosphere. House of HEALS DRAG SHOW is famous for its wonderful performances, including drag queens, comedians, DJs and artists, which bring an audio-visual feast to the audience. The performances are rich and colorful, including dance, singing, comedy and other forms of programs, allowing the audience to enjoy the entertainment while also feeling the unique charm of Thai culture. The venue is luxuriously decorated and has a warm atmosphere, which is a highlight of Bangkok's nightlife. The audience can relax here and enjoy a good night.
Big Game Viewing Party | Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino
Feb 11, 2024 (UTC-8)ENDED
Las Vegas
Get ready for an exhilarating football experience with incredible deals! Immerse yourself in the action without leaving downtown Las Vegas. Join the Big Game Viewing Party at Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino on Sunday, February 11th, 2024, starting at 2:00pm. This ultimate game day extravaganza guarantees an unforgettable time packed with delectable eats and thirst-quenching drinks, reminiscent of stadium-style favorites.
For just $125, experience the game like never before with the best seats in town. Our array of high-definition TVs will broadcast every thrilling moment, ensuring you don't miss a thing. Indulge in a mouthwatering menu featuring Buffalo Chicken Wings, GF Veggie & Hummus Mix, V, VG Carrots, Celery, Red Bell Peppers, Tortilla Chips, Cheeseburger, Vegan Cheeseburger, V, VG Nathan's Hot Dog & Chips, Nachos, GF Cheese Sauce, Jalapeños, Pico De Gallo, Guacamole, House Chips, VG Seasoned Ranch Style Churros, and your choice of Carmel Sauce or Chocolate Sauce.
Don't just watch the game, experience it in the most grand way possible. This Big Game Viewing Party promises an immersive atmosphere that will have you cheering for your favorite team. Join us at Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino, located at 206 North 3rd Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101. Book your tickets now for an extraordinary game day celebration!
X Show Hangzhou | Hangzhou
Hangzhou Xintiandi Group invested RMB 1.5 billion to transform an industrial plant into an international high-tech theater with 1,442 seats, and teamed up with internationally renowned performing arts groups to launch an international blockbuster - Hangzhou "X Show".
"X Show" is an international circus art show created by an internationally renowned performing arts group and is the only resident show in Asia.Multidimensional SpaceA resident show that combines opera, acrobatics, dance, magic and other elements to create a visual experience.With one performance, two story lines, 14 plots, 50 artists, seven nationalities, and 73 minutes of wonderful performances, the audience can experience a shocking international art and audio-visual feast without leaving the country.
The performance "Hangzhou X Show" created by Cirque du Soleil tells the story of a man and woman from the East and West who experienced a thrilling and fantastic journey and finally defeated evil and restored the unity of the world. The wise elder "Watcher" opened the box and told the story: In troubled times, the snake demon split the world into two kingdoms, Aria in the East and Petra in the West. The innocent man and woman in their cradles were adopted by two monarchs and grew up. Under the persecution of the dark forces, they embarked on a journey with a mission, experienced dangerous scenes, and also experienced a fantastic and beautiful life. Finally, at the peak of the holy mountain, they completed the fusion of the dragon and phoenix seals they were in charge of, the two countries merged, and peace finally returned to this magical land.
Two groups of audiences, each in their own camp, sit on 360-degree rotating seats; one show, two dreams; East and West, two great cultures meet here; truly experience every scene of flying, danger, and fantasy, shocking your senses.
A show you should see twice in your lifetime
Why is the Hangzhou X Show a show you should see twice in your life? Because the movable track of the Sun Theater gives the stage a dual perspective. It is said that the audiences in the two stands of the same show will see 20% different plots. As time goes by, the stage is constantly changing, and each place seems to be performing a world.
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St. Valentine's Day - Murder Mystery Dinner & Show - Wed. February 14th | Chelsea Hotel, Toronto
Feb 14, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Experience an evening of mystery, mayhem, and murder at the highly anticipated St. Valentine's Day - Murder Mystery Dinner & Show, taking place on Wednesday, February 14th at the renowned Chelsea Hotel in Toronto. Mysteriously Yours presents a captivating event that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. The intrigue begins with a cast of colorful characters, whose lives intertwine in a web of suspense. As the plot thickens, an unexpected twist occurs when a life is tragically taken. Enter a world of investigation as a skilled detective is assigned to uncover the truth. The suspects are cleverly placed amongst the guests, engaging you in an immersive experience like no other. Can you solve the ultimate mystery and unveil the culprit behind the crime? For those seeking an evening of intrigue and excitement, this is an event not to be missed. For more information about the event, menu options, and to secure your tickets, visit the official website at MysteriouslyYours.ca. Join us for a night of suspense and indulgence, as we transport you to a world of mystery and suspense.
Alpine Ski World Cup | Palisades Tahoe (Olympic Valley) | Feb 25th | Palisades Tahoe
Feb 25, 2024 (UTC-8)ENDED
The Valley
Palisades Tahoe, a thrilling sports event, is set to take place in the picturesque city of Olympic Valley. This highly anticipated gathering will be hosted at the prestigious Palisades Tahoe venue, located at 1960 Olympic Vly Rd. in Olympic Valley, CA. On the momentous day of February 25th, 2024, athletes and spectators alike will gather to witness the exhilarating competition unfold. Palisades Tahoe promises to deliver an awe-inspiring experience, filled with heart-pounding action and unforgettable moments. The event organizers have meticulously crafted an atmosphere that will leave attendees breathless, as they witness the greatest athletes from around the world showcase their skills and compete for glory. The Palisades Tahoe event is a celebration of human achievement, where athletes push themselves to their limits in pursuit of victory. From the roaring cheers of the crowd to the intense rivalries on the field, Palisades Tahoe is a spectacle that will captivate and inspire all who witness it. Mark your calendars and prepare to be part of history as Palisades Tahoe takes center stage in Olympic Valley. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness greatness unfold before your eyes.
Los Ángeles Azules - El Amor de Mi Vida USA Tour 2024 2024 (Hollywood) | Hard Rock Live
Feb 23, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Los Ángeles Azules - El Amor de Mi Vida USA Tour 2024 is set to captivate audiences at the esteemed Hard Rock Live venue on February 23, 2024. Located at 1 Seminole Way, Hollywood, FL, 33314, this iconic concert promises to be an unforgettable experience. Los Ángeles Azules, renowned for their distinctive blend of cumbia and pop, will take center stage, enchanting fans with their irresistible melodies and energetic rhythms. This highly anticipated event will showcase the band's greatest hits, transporting attendees to a world of enchantment and passion. With ticket sales commencing on November 6, 2023, at 15:00 and concluding on February 24, 2024, at 03:00, fans are urged to secure their seats promptly to avoid disappointment. Los Ángeles Azules - El Amor de Mi Vida USA Tour 2024 promises to be an extraordinary musical journey, uniting fans from all walks of life in celebration of the band's unparalleled talent and enduring legacy. Join the revelry and immerse yourself in the magic of Los Ángeles Azules - El Amor de Mi Vida USA Tour 2024.
Spectra - A Light & Water Show | Marina Bay Sands
"Symphony of Lights" water curtain light show shows the development process of Singapore, as a city with a multicultural society, from an ordinary seaside town to an international city from multiple perspectives. Progressive layer by layer, exciting.
The Han Show Theatre | Wuhan
The Han Show Theatre is located next to East Lake and Shuiguo Lake in Wuhan and is one of the main attractions in Wuhan. Its architectural design was inspired by the “red lanterns” of traditional Chinese culture. It is particularly beautiful at night. In addition to admiring its unique architectural design, there are wonderful "Han Show" water shows every day in the theater, which are also worth a visit.
Super Bowl LVIII Party Amsterdam | Café De Jonge Wees
Feb 11–Feb 12, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Join the Super Bowl LVIII Party Amsterdam at Café De Jonge Wees, located at 144 Looiersgracht, 1016 VT Amsterdam. Experience the excitement of the biggest one-day sporting event of the year on Sunday, February 11th. Watch the live broadcast of Super Bowl LVIII on three screens with English commentary. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to be part of the action!
Tickets for the Super Bowl Party are available for €62.04 and include unlimited drinks and snacks. Enjoy a wide selection of beverages, including beer, wine, soda, and genever. Indulge in delicious food options such as hot wings, hot dogs, and bitterballen. Treat yourself to popcorn and nachos for the ultimate game day experience.
To ensure everyone has a great view, a maximum of 50 tickets will be sold. Secure your spot early and be part of this unforgettable event. Don't wait too long to purchase your ticket! This is the perfect opportunity for sports enthusiasts to come together and enjoy an amazing Super Bowl experience.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 11th, and head to Café De Jonge Wees in Amsterdam. Get ready to cheer on your favorite team and witness the thrilling moments of Super Bowl LVIII. Don't miss this chance to be part of the ultimate sports celebration!
Monster Jam - Sound Activated Lighted Ear Muffs 2024 (Anaheim) | Angel Stadium of Anaheim
Feb 18, 2024 (UTC-8)ENDED
Get ready to rock and roll at the electrifying Monster Jam - Sound Activated Lighted Ear Muffs concert! This mind-blowing event will take place at the iconic Angel Stadium of Anaheim on February 18, 2024. Located at 2000 Gene Autry Way, Anaheim, CA, 92806, this legendary stadium will be transformed into a haven for music enthusiasts from all walks of life. Brace yourself for an unforgettable night as the pulsating beats and captivating melodies fill the air. The Monster Jam - Sound Activated Lighted Ear Muffs concert promises to deliver an exhilarating experience like no other, featuring a lineup of chart-topping hits that will satisfy even the most discerning music lovers. From the moment the first note reverberates through the crowd, you'll be transported to a world where music becomes a mesmerizing force of nature. Mark your calendars and save the date, because ticket sales for this extraordinary event will start on October 31, 2023, at 5:00 PM and will end on February 18, 2024, at 10:30 PM. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this sensational spectacle. Get ready to immerse yourself in the magic of Monster Jam - Sound Activated Lighted Ear Muffs!
Carabao Cup Final Hospitality - Chelsea v Liverpool | Wembley Stadium
Feb 24, 2024 (UTC+0)ENDED
Experience the thrill of the Carabao Cup Final with our exclusive hospitality package. Immerse yourself in the excitement as Mauricio Pochettino's Chelsea and Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool collide under the iconic Wembley arch in the highly anticipated 2024 Carabao Cup Final. This momentous clash is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 25th, 2024, with a thrilling 3pm kick-off in the heart of London. It serves as the pinnacle of English football's 2023/24 campaign, making it an event not to be missed.
With nine victories, Liverpool boasts the most Carabao Cup wins in history, their most recent triumph secured in 2022 after a dramatic penalty shootout against Chelsea. The Blues, on the other hand, have clinched this coveted title on five occasions during their storied 120-year existence, with their most recent victory dating back to 2015.
Elevate your experience of the 2024 Carabao Cup Final at the illustrious Wembley Stadium by indulging in our esteemed Eventmasters VIP Hospitality Package. This exclusive offering includes executive padded seating on Level Two, providing optimal views of the action. You will also have the option to purchase delectable cuisine from the Taphouse Kitchen Diner and an array of beverages from the Taphouse Social Bar. Additionally, each guest will receive a match programme to commemorate this historic event.
Please note that our hospitality package opens three hours prior to kick-off and remains open until one hour after the final whistle. Dress code is casual, allowing for football shirts to be worn. Rest assured, all seats will be grouped together to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience.
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to witness the clash of titans between Chelsea and Liverpool in the Carabao Cup Final. Secure your place today for an unforgettable day of football at Wembley Stadium.
Sanya Atlantis C Show | Sanya Atlantis Resort
About Atlantis C Show——
[C Show - The Ocean Myth of the Mermaid Princess and the Prince of Atlantis]
C Show is the first large-scale original resident show of Fanxiu Performing Arts under Fosun Tourism. It premiered on February 5, 2019 at the C Show Theater in Atlantis Sanya. Show C was born out of the legendary story of Atlantis, telling the ocean myth of the mermaid princess and the prince of Atlantis. It presented difficult acrobatics in the air, on land, and underwater. The strong sensory impact went straight to the heart, making the audience feel as if they were experiencing it in person. A fearless journey to pursue love.
C Show Theater is a semi-open theater with a water, land and air 3D water stage, which can accommodate 1,800 spectators. There are three-dimensional surround-view auditoriums, a 15-meter-high, 300-square-meter giant curved movable video wall, and a 7,000m³ central water stage. The hard power of technology allows the seamless integration of reality and virtuality, providing the audience with a Hollywood-level immersive viewing experience.
Sanya·Atlantis C Show, a Chinese team, international production, based in Sanya, uses the resident show as a carrier to let the world see the ocean myth of the Mermaid Princess and the Prince of Atlantis.
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Puyallup Sportsmen Show | Washington State Fair
Jan 31–Feb 4, 2024 (UTC-8)ENDED
The Puyallup Sportsmen Show, a thrilling and action-packed physical activity extravaganza, is set to take place at the prestigious Washington State Fair in the beautiful city of Puyallup. From January 31st to February 4th, this highly anticipated event promises to be an unforgettable experience for outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. The Puyallup Sportsmen Show offers a myriad of exciting activities and exhibits that showcase the best of outdoor recreation, hunting, fishing, and camping. Located at 110 9th Avenue Southwest, Puyallup, WA 98371, this event is conveniently situated for easy access. And the best part? Admission to the show is absolutely free! So mark your calendars and make sure to prioritize a visit to the Puyallup Sportsmen Show. Immerse yourself in the world of outdoor sports, witness jaw-dropping demonstrations, engage with knowledgeable experts, and discover the latest products and gear to enhance your outdoor adventures. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to indulge your passion for the great outdoors at the Puyallup Sportsmen Show.
Coronation 52 " Broadways Babies" | San Diego Marriott Mission Valley
Feb 1–Feb 4, 2024 (UTC-8)ENDED
San Diego
Coronation 52 "Broadway Babies" is an upcoming community charity event in San Diego. This event, taking place at the San Diego Marriott Mission Valley, promises to be a truly memorable experience for all attendees. From February 1st to February 4th, guests will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of Broadway while supporting a great cause.
With a ticket price range of $15 to $175, this event offers something for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned theater enthusiast or simply looking for a fun and charitable night out, Coronation 52 "Broadway Babies" is the perfect event for you. The San Diego Marriott Mission Valley, located at 8757 Rio San Diego Drive, provides an elegant and convenient venue for this occasion.
By attending this event, you'll not only have a wonderful time but also contribute to the community. The proceeds from this event will go towards supporting local charities and initiatives, making a positive impact on the lives of those in need. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enjoy an enchanting evening while giving back to the community. Mark your calendars for Coronation 52 "Broadway Babies" and join us in making a difference.
Super Bowl Celebration at Montage Deer Valley | Montage Deer Valley
Feb 11, 2024 (UTC-7)ENDED
Park City
Join the ultimate Super Bowl Celebration at Montage Deer Valley, where guests will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the excitement of the event. This in-person celebration, taking place at the prestigious Montage Deer Valley in Park City, offers an electrifying atmosphere for football enthusiasts to come together and root for their favorite teams. The celebration will feature a delectable buffet, including classic Super Bowl fare such as wings, hot dogs, burgers, chips, guacamole, and a carving station, ensuring guests are well-fed while enjoying the game. The stunning Deer Valley views add an extra element of beauty to the experience, creating a truly memorable setting. The ticket price for this unforgettable event includes access to the celebration, the buffet, service charge, and tax, ensuring a hassle-free and all-inclusive experience for attendees. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of the Super Bowl Celebration at Montage Deer Valley on February 11, 2024. Get your tickets now and join fellow football enthusiasts in an unforgettable experience.
High School Musical Bottomless Brunch | Little Miami, 4 Waterloo Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Feb 24, 2024 (UTC+0)ENDED
Attention all High School Musical fans! The highly anticipated High School Musical Bottomless Brunch is coming to Newcastle upon Tyne on Saturday, February 24th, 2024. This exclusive event will take place at the stunning venue, Little Miami, located at 4 Waterloo Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4DG. Immerse yourself in the nostalgia of this iconic movie series and relive your favorite moments surrounded by fellow fans.
For just £38.61 per person, attendees will be treated to a truly unforgettable experience. Indulge in two hours of unlimited premium cocktails, spirits, wine, beer, and Prosecco, as you enjoy delicious pizza and wedges to satisfy your appetite. Jam out to non-stop High School Musical songs, showcasing your vocal talents and rekindling those cherished memories.
Capture the magic of the event and share your experience with the world by tagging photos and videos with the hashtag #HighSchoolMusicalBottomlessBrunch on social media. We can't wait to witness your singing and dancing skills in action!
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to relive the magic of High School Musical. Book your spot now and get ready to sing your heart out at the High School Musical Bottomless Brunch. #Nostalgia #SingAlong #UnlimitedDrinks #PizzaParty #BookNow
STILL COLLINS USA: A Tribute to Phil Collins & Genesis 2024 (Las Vegas) | South Point Showroom at South Point Hotel Casino and Spa
Feb 2, 2024 (UTC-8)ENDED
Las Vegas
STILL COLLINS USA: A Tribute to Phil Collins & Genesis is a phenomenal concert that will take place at the prestigious South Point Showroom, located within the South Point Hotel Casino and Spa. Mark your calendars for the unforgettable night of February 2, 2024, as music enthusiasts will gather to witness this spectacular event. The concert will commence at 9777 S. Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, 89183, where the mesmerizing melodies of Phil Collins and Genesis will come alive. This captivating performance will transport you to a world where timeless classics reign supreme. Prepare to be enthralled as the talented musicians grace the stage, delivering soulful renditions of iconic songs such as "No Son of Mine," "Something Happened on the Way to Heaven," and "In the Air Tonight." These legendary tracks, along with many others, will create an electrifying atmosphere that is sure to leave you craving more. The tickets for STILL COLLINS USA: A Tribute to Phil Collins & Genesis are available for purchase starting from December 7, 2023, at 20:15, until February 3, 2024, at 03:30. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to experience the magic of Phil Collins and Genesis like never before. Secure your tickets now and immerse yourself in an unforgettable evening of music and memories.
VALENTINES WEEKEND * LOVERS & FRIENDS | Sip & Paint Party @PHIRI / FEB 14th | Phiri Art
Feb 14, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Celebrate Valentine's Weekend with your loved ones at the exciting Sip & Paint Party at Phiri Art in Indianapolis. On February 14th, immerse yourself in an evening filled with creativity and love. This event offers a unique opportunity to express your emotions through art while enjoying the company of friends and partners. Located at 120 East Market Street, Suite 500, Phiri Art provides a charming and intimate setting for this special occasion. The painting canvas will be dedicated to the theme of love songs, allowing you to create a beautiful piece of artwork that reflects the essence of Valentine's Day. Limited tickets are available, so make sure to reserve your seats as soon as possible. Tickets can be purchased online or by contacting Downtown Indianapolis at 317.991.5909. The event will take place from 6pm to 10pm, giving you plenty of time to indulge in the artistic atmosphere and celebrate love. Don't miss out on this unforgettable Valentine's experience - join us at the Sip & Paint Party at Phiri Art on February 14th.
Valentine's Super Love Jam 2024 (Fresno) | Save Mart Center
Feb 16, 2024 (UTC-8)ENDED
Welcome to the unforgettable Valentine's Super Love Jam, a dazzling concert that will take place at the prestigious Save Mart Center on February 16, 2024. Located at 2650 East Shaw Ave., Fresno, CA, 93710, this remarkable event promises an evening filled with soulful melodies, passionate performances, and heartfelt emotions. As you immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere, be prepared to be transported to a world of musical bliss, where the air will resonate with the harmonies of some of the greatest love songs ever written. From timeless classics to modern hits, the Valentine's Super Love Jam will captivate your senses and ignite your passion. Indulge in an extraordinary experience as you witness legendary artists and talented musicians come together to create an unforgettable evening of romance and love. Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to celebrate Valentine's Day in style. Mark your calendar and make sure to secure your tickets, available for purchase from November 21, 2023, at 18:00 until February 17, 2024, at 05:30. Get ready to be swept away by the magic of the Valentine's Super Love Jam.
Boxing Fights | Edgar Berlanga v Padraig McCrory (Orlando) | Caribe Royale Orlando
Feb 24, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
In the heart of sunny Orlando, an electrifying sports event is set to ignite the arena. Get ready for a clash of titans as Edgar Berlanga and Padraig McCrory go head-to-head in a battle that will leave spectators breathless. The Caribe Royale Orlando, located at 8101 World Center Dr, Orlando, FL 32821, USA, will bear witness to this epic showdown on February 24, 2024. Prepare to be riveted by the skill, determination, and raw power these two fighters bring to the ring. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness history in the making, as Berlanga and McCrory unleash their formidable talents upon each other. Brace yourself for an adrenaline-fueled night of explosive punches, lightning-fast footwork, and unwavering determination. From the moment the bell rings, the atmosphere will be charged with anticipation, as the crowd holds their collective breath, hanging on every thunderous blow. The stakes are high, the tension is palpable, and the outcome is uncertain. Will Berlanga's lightning-fast fists prove too much for McCrory to handle? Or will McCrory's unyielding resilience prevail against Berlanga's onslaught? There's only one way to find out. Mark your calendars for February 24, 2024, and prepare to be part of history in the making at Edgar Berlanga v Padraig McCrory. This is a sporting event you won't want to miss.
Smashville Boxing Match | 2524 W Heiman St
Feb 24, 2024 (UTC-6)ENDED
Witness the epic showdown at Smashville Boxing Match, where fierce punches will fly and champions will rise. This highly-anticipated event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, February 24th at the renowned Bonafyde Boxing Gym in Nashville, Tennessee. As an official reminder, smoking is strictly prohibited inside the venue to ensure the safety and comfort of all attendees.
This family-friendly event promises a thrilling display of athleticism and sportsmanship, and we kindly ask all guests to maintain a respectful atmosphere throughout. We have a zero tolerance policy for any fighting outside of the ring, with our diligent security team ensuring a safe environment for everyone.
For those looking to enjoy a refreshing beverage during the event, a full bar will be available, but we kindly ask all attendees to drink responsibly.
Don't miss this exciting opportunity to witness the next generation of boxing champions in action at Smashville Boxing Match. Reserve your tickets now for only $13.67.
Let the excitement fill the air as you experience the intensity and skill of these talented athletes. Join us on February 24th at Bonafyde Boxing Gym for an unforgettable evening of boxing excellence. Get ready to be amazed.